Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Click the Edit Button

Click the Edit Button

You just posted a selfie on Instagram, but your skin looks a bit washed out, perhaps you would look more attractive if the lighting was adjusted; Just click the edit button.

You just posted a statement on Facebook and received notification of your first "Like" and "Comment"; but then you noticed a misspelled a word; no problem, just click the edit button. 

You created a flyer and uploaded to your LinkedIn page. Upon reviewing the post, you noticed the flyer did not include the address for the event you are promoting; no problem, just delete the post, update the flyer and re-post. 


Your life seems to be going exactly as you’ve planned; right?

The kids are grown and gone. You’re either still married, widowed, divorced or single and never married; but you have no complaints, right?

You are working in the field you envisioned yourself in back when you were nine or maybe it was when you were in junior high or high school, right?

You are generating the salary you desire, to live the life you had in mind after high school or college, right?

You own the business you started years ago and are turning a profit after five or ten years, right?

You are living in the dream home you built when the kids were young or after you got that first good job, right?

You are doing what you love and loving what you are doing, right?

You are making time to exercise, relax and vacation when it is necessary, right?

You have a strong spiritual mindset and have a great circle of like-minded friends, right?

The five people you spend most of your time with are more successful and experienced than you, right?

You are reaching back, teaching one, lifting one, helping one, and  encouraging one, right?

You will retire early, own your home and have very little debt, right?

You can relocate to a warmer climate to live your latter days in the sun, right?

Okay, now that I have you thinking...

If you were unable to agree or respond with a resounding "YES” to any of the above statements, it's okay; because just like with many of the social media sites which feature the EDIT button, you too can click the EDIT button to re-assess, revise, revamp and rewrite your life. It is NEVER too late to make changes when you've made a conscious decision to change your mindset. 

It is true that if you can see it, you can have it. The question is are you ready to do what it takes to manifest your "Best Life"?   


Then, you must first assess the condition of your current life. Skip attempting to rationalize why it is what it is, just recognize that it no longer works for you and why.

Then begin to think about exactly what you are missing in your life. Ask the important questions:

·        How must I adjust my thinking?

·        When do I need to make changes?

·        What is my target or goal date?

·        How much will it cost?

·        How much time will it take?

·        Will it hurt anyone?

·        Is it honestly something I desire?

·        Am I willing to do whatever it takes (within reason)?

·        Am I willing to make the sacrifice?

·        What will my life look like when I achieve my objective?

Now, forget about all those questions except the very last one…


Right now, I want you to focus on the above question. Place yourself in the moment when you are living the manifestation of the life you have desired and ultimately created. 

How does that feel?

Are you happy?

Are you smiling?

Are you alone or with family and friends?

Are you celebrating?

Are you enjoying a toast of your achievement?

How does that feel?

Do you see yourself in the moment?

What is your location (new home, beach vacation, favorite destination, yacht, or maybe in the front seat of your new car)?

What are you wearing (nothing, a new outfit, swimsuit or maybe a wedding gown)?

What do you have on your feet (nothing, red bottoms, boots, sandals, Stacy’s)?

Are you comfortable?

Does it feel the way you expected?

Now, stop reading and take five minutes (more if needed) to experience that feeling of achievement. 

Okay, now that you’ve experienced what it feels like to be in the moment of your achievement; write it down. In fact, purchase or create an attractive journal (a notebook or binder with loose-leaf paper will do) to document the achievement and how it feels basking in its’ manifestation. Next, decide what ONE ACTION is required today to move you closer to your future goal. Then, tomorrow morning, feel the achievement again and decide on one task to complete for that day. Repeat this process daily; preferably in the morning before you start your routine. Often, the first task completed dictates the next consecutive tasks.  

Refrain from getting caught up on the HOW and the WHEN of your manifestation (this is where personal spirituality is effective). Whether you believe in or accept the presence of a higher power (within the Universe) or you just have faith in your own potential; you must trust in the power of “IT “to manage the how and the when of your manifestation. 

Basically, you set the intention by carrying out each consecutive task. During that time, you will begin to attract the components required to facilitate your manifestation (don’t question the process but do trust the process). We all possess electromagnetic energy and the energy when fully engaged and active will connect with similar and like energies to produce the desired outcome. Trust me, when you see it, you will believe and accept it! 

If you are not used to being on the receiving end of generosity, assistance, prosperity and abundance; you MUST get used to it and quickly. Synchronicity is the process of “opportunity meeting preparedness”. As you complete your daily tasks toward your goal, multiple opportunities will miraculous appear to ensure your progression along the trajectory towards your goal. 

So, keep your eyes and ears open, opportunity usually manifests when you least expect it and in the most precarious forms. 

It may present itself through a friend, an enemy, a call, a letter or email, a post, a commercial, a movie or even during a sporting event or news broadcast. The most important aspect of this process is that you ALWAYS ready to ACT when the opportunity presents itself!

Additionally, write this poem in your journal, post on the mirror and refrigerator, in your car and on your desk or in your workspace:
Don’t Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turn about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow –
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out –
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit –
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
~John Greenleaf Whittier

Finally, Dear hearts, if you find this information to be too daunting or otherwise impossible, perhaps Dr. Leon F. Seltzer will help you to identify some the issues which prevent you from achieving your BEST LIFE. In his blog post “End Procrastination for Good: How to Revise your Life Script, he asks eight key questions which will assist you in putting an end to “putting things off” (click on link below).

I have also included links to TEDTalk videos which I found helpful during my own LIFE EDITING PROCESS; I am hoping you will



Until next time, 

Balance, Wholeness, Love & Vibrations!

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