Thursday, March 21, 2019



A MindFreeQ is a person who consistently elevates in the quality of their thinking; which strengthens the Mind and empowers the Soul!

Sometimes a Divinely "PhiMy9" Adept Woman reaches a point in life where the activities & conversations of yesteryear are no longer pleasurable. In fact, those things no longer possess meaning or purpose. It matters not whether the reciprocating party is Male or Female; when the elevated frequency causes an increase in vibration the communication signal is weakened into a "static" state. In other words, when a person is moving in the flow of life it is virtually impossible to fellowship (regularly) with someone standing in still waters & stalemate.

You see my vibe expands & oscillates within the waterfalls & raging rapids of life. Up the mountains, through the valley's & conquering every obstacle in between strife. This does not occur by happenstance, but by choice. A process which yields of resounding rejoice!

Iam a woman who is bombarded daily with ideas which emerge from my subconscious mind. These ideas are not to be played with or filed away for rainy days or another time; absolutely not! These ideas are meant to move into a Manifestation well beyond stages of Thought. I simply submit to becoming the womb, the conduit & the catalyst thru which the ideas become real in the realm of materialism & melodic "toons".

And, it is the ever-expanding MindFreeQ in me which is unable to entertain the folly & mediocrity. I was perplexed & amplified; but now Iam complex yet simplified. I operate beyond time & space; realizing this world is simply the place...

I came to remember what the amniotic waters caused me to forget. To take hold of the POWER & wield the wand of MAGIC. To boldly go where few dares to tread & challenge the roles of society's debt. I have no fear, for death already died; I live forever on the inside...

The Mind of Creator is where I dwell, in the brightest of darkness beyond the veil. Do you not see it? It is "write" "their" in the story of your life in front of despair. Reach out your hand, touch & see that the life you are living is merely fantasy. 

Your tool belt is empty & I've given you mine; but man, over & over again you'd rather rewind. To do what you've always done seems "rite" to you, a ridiculous ritual which divides you in "two". 

So, you see Iam unable to connect with you even on my darkest night; because it is in my darkest hours that my light shines brightest bright! 🌞 🌑

You wanna get to know this Divine PhiMy9?
Remember how to synapse & sync with the illuminated corners of Creative Mind...

Become a #MindFreeQ & transform with the Heaven's Mind Series Book Club:
"The MindFreeQ Book Shelf".  Look us up at or click on the link at the top of this post.

We will meet every month on Saturdays from 12-2pm (see event for dates). The locations will vary based upon participation; & complimentary refreshments will be provided.

You may purchase your books in advance online @ &; OR receive a discount by purchasing directly from CeleXy, via FB IM, email ( or phone call (317) 627-6701. Payment forms accepted: Cash, Cash App ($CeleXy), or Credit Card by phone available.

The 1st 3 book discussions will include Good Samaritan, SHEnanigans or Eye That Follows Me, Stepper Love or Changing Seasons.

Wholeness, Balance, Love & Vibrations!
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Tuesday, March 12, 2019



I recently cut all my hair off following the removal of extension braids. The braided style was very complementing and I enjoyed creating new and sexy looks with them. However, upon removing them I discovered a tremendous amount of hair and scalp damage. Although I frequently moisturized my hair and applied coconut oil to my scalp, the regimen did not prevent irreparable damage. Additionally, I already suffer from Alopecia Areata in the top of my crown.

According to an article in Medical News Today, “Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that often results in unpredictable hair loss. Here are some key points about alopecia areata. More detail and supporting information are in the main article. 
  1. One in five people with alopecia areata also has a family member who has experienced the condition.
  2. Alopecia areata often develops suddenly, over the course of just a few days.
  3. There is little scientific evidence that alopecia areata is caused by stress.
  4. People with alopecia areata who have only a few patches of hair loss often experience a spontaneous, full recovery, without the need for treatment.
  5. There is no cure for "alopecia areata”.
Learn more here:

While I did receive steroid injections (upon receiving a biopsy diagnosis in 2007), a small dime-sized area remained sparsely covered with strands of hair which did not grow at the same rate as the surrounding areas. I did not pursue any additional treatments (due to a hypersensitivity to most prescription medicines); opting instead to wear wigs, hats, headwraps or braids to maintain a certain level of “Hair-Confidence” over the last several years.

Unfortunately, I was also diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids in the summer of 2015; another common issue among Black-American Women which has also been directly correlated with hair loss. Although I underwent a partial hysterectomy in December 2015, the hair loss did not resolve.

Katie Mitchell of Bustle writes about a recent study linking Uterine Fibroids to a specific type of hair loss; “Uterine fibroids — small, usually benign, uterine tumors that can cause heavy periods — disproportionately affect Black women, but the reason why is still unclear. A new study has found a potential link between uterine fibroids and a kind of hair loss in Black women

The hair loss is called central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA), and it's a type of permanent hair loss that, like fibroids, affects Black women at higher rates than any other group”. 

Read more here:

Some women cut their hair as a sign of growth, expansion, and transformation. While other women do so as a symbol of strength, control, and power. And, finally many women (especially within the Black Community) perceive they have no other option than to cut their precious thinning, damaged, over-processed, chemically treated or negatively affected hair. It is one of the most challenging aspects of life for a woman considering we are told our entire life the following:

Your hair is your crowning glory.

Your hair is your vitality.

Your hair is your freedom.

Your hair is reflective of your inner & outer beauty;

and finally, (the condition of)

Your hair correlates with the quality of your health.

As a result of hearing and reading about other women suffering from similar situations, as well as, our Sista’s who sustained hair loss due to chemotherapy and radiation; I wanted to write about the positive aspects of naturally short hair. And, there is a myriad of reasons and benefits for the “Big Chop”; as it has been so fondly labeled over the last few decades!

I’ll start with my reasons.

To begin, this is not the first time I cut my hair. The first time I did so, was following a long battle to maintain my long thick permed mane of hair while operating in the role of Minister, Health Care Professional and Strong Black Women. All those euphemisms (about hair) which were force-fed to me during my youth and young adult years plagued my entire subconscious mind. The decision to cut my ever-thinning hair was painstakingly heartbreaking. You see, the many societal roles I had obtained required me to “LOOK THE PART”; and thus, generated an extreme amount of anxiety within me. Nonetheless, it had to be done.

So, in February 2008, I did it. I went to my brother’s barbershop and let him give me the ultimate Johnny Toles Custom Bald Fade. He said to me; “Sis, if you did not have the right shaped head for a bald-fade, I would not cut your hair; but you do so you can pull it off”!

I had to agree with him upon looking at myself in the mirror and admitted to myself that “I wear it well!”

Two years later, I was going through a divorce and began wearing wigs due to low self-esteem. Yes, my husband was cheating on me with a younger woman (need I say more)?

Eventually, the divorce became final and I started dating again. My new Beau suggested I give up the wigs and my natural hair to return to a permed short style. And, as you may have guessed, I did.

A year later, I had hair sewn in for a special Steppin’ Event in Atlanta (I wanted to look cute for my new Man). Consequently, upon the return trip home, I began removing the hair as fast as I could, because my scalp was on fire (remember, I have a hypersensitivity to many things).

Again, I returned to my brother, to chop off my chemically treated hair and rocked the bald fade once more. This time I was really “THE SHIT”; because it was spring-time and I had just purchased a brand-new Black-on-Black droptop! Of course, I was being complimented every time I cruised up and down 38th Street from the West-Side to the East-Side! HOLLA!!!

Then, it seems I got EXTRAORDINARILY CUTE and decided to go blonde! Can you say “MISTAKE”!

By 2014, I was in my brother’s chair again getting another big chop. That’s number Three! Now, they say the 3rd time is supposed to be “A CHARM”. 

Sanaa Lathan in Nappily Ever After
Well, in 2018, I clearly had not learned my lesson about extensions, chemicals or wigs. So, I stood in the mirror right after watching Nappily Ever After, starring Sanaa Lathan; and performed my own big chop. It was a rough cut, to say the least; I had to use scissors, razors, a comb, and a hand mirror. I continued to wear my wigs, hats and head wraps…

Until it grew out enough to compliment my facial features. Now, mind you I still have the thinning section on top which has increased in size. Ironically, I deduced that since I had been able to wear mascara on my lashes without any untoward effects, I purchased a tube of mascara specifically for my thinning hair (the lash thickening kind). Yes, I use mascara in my hair because Iam not yet ready to publicly display my thinning nearly balding scalp. Yet, it’s a start. :-(

However, I have embraced the fact that Iam a product of a consumer-driven, artificially beauty focused and judgmental society. Consequently, because of my willingness to embrace a healthier and natural lifestyle (diet/exercise/play/relaxation), Iam confident my hair will return to its naturally healthy state of existence in time.

You know, I learned years ago that people who smoke cigarettes suffer extreme lung damage; but, if they stop smoking for the same number of years they smoked, the damage is essentially reversible.

Well, Iam 51 years-old, and I have been purposefully damaging my hair internally and externally for at least 35 years off and on. So, maybe by the time I reach 85, my hair will be healthy again (or gone); either way, I choose to embrace my freedom to express authentically.

So, again the reasons and benefits of going natural and short?

1.    Healthier Hair

2.    Authenticity

3.    Freedom of Expression

4.    Less-expensive Maintenance

5.    People will focus more on your brains (internal) than on your looks (external)

Now, of course, there are many more reasons and benefits for going short & natural; but clearly after listing the top 5, who needs another reason?

Wholeness, Balance, Love & Vibrations

 Please plan to meet me & my short natural hair this Saturday (3/16 @ 1pm) for Heaven's Mind & Your Life ReImagined Book Series "Meet the Author" and book signing event.
Jenkins' Career Corner
1761 N. Sherman Dr./Ste. I
Indianapolis, IN 46218 

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 For more information about black women's hair loss and hair cuts; check out the links below

Monday, March 4, 2019

The Stone City Stalkers

It was a picturesque pre-spring day, March 16th to be exact; and I decided I would take a long walk along the canal after work. I returned to my suite that afternoon, changed into my exercise clothes and shoes then hit the pavement. I received an unexpected call from my “little-sister” girlfriend. I was overcome with joy when I heard her voice as it meant she was beginning to emerge from the cocoon she created for herself following her mother’s transition. It had been over a month since we last spoke and I wondered if she could sense the enormous smile engraved upon my face. I experienced the essence of freedom, release and celebration as I shared (with her) my method of “living after loss”. You see, my only sister Patrice Munsel was born on March 16, 1958 and transitioned on July 10, 1999; she was 41-years young.

Over the last almost 20 years I have been able to interact with my sister through other people. How so? Well I’ve seen her in the smiles and faces of young women. I’ve encountered her personality through conversations with mature women. I have even connected with her gaze through my mirrored reflection and her image in my selfies and photos. On several occasions I found her words emanating from my mouth and her energy radiating on my frequency. Thus, I know it is true what I’ve read and heard; the flesh returns to the dust of the earth, yet the Spirit lives on and continues to resonate via diverse and accessible portals or gateways.

As my walk and conversation ended, I found myself filled with the light of day and energy of the sun; it was Friday night and I was open and ready for fun!
I decided to walk down to a bar called “Whiskey Chicks”, where they featured live music. I was pleasantly surprised to hear Motown R&B classics being performed by the popular Tyler Lee Band. There was no way I could have known or even suspected the catastrophic events which would follow such a magnificent beginning. Nor did I consider the impact those events would have on my psychological health. However, I soon discovered my mind’s extraordinary ability to overcome adversity through experience, awareness, knowledge and truth. It was this mind and 16 weeks which gave birth to “Eye That Follows Me: The Stone City Stalkers”.

Available as Paperback & Kindle Ebook
Introduction: Bar-B-que & Girls
Similar to the bats who are suffering from urbanization and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon; so too are the poverty-stricken and displaced humans of Stone City, Oklahoma. 

This population of residents (now and henceforth referred to as PSD's), who formerly resided in abandoned buildings, weather-beaten shelter's, and crumbling bridges along the Stone City Canal, no longer had anywhere to go. Nor, did they have a viable solution to their dilemma. That is until they discovered that there were at least two ways to repay society for its perceived mistreatment and earn some much-needed cash in the process.

Eye That Follows Me explores the terrorizing experiences of Kaleen McKenzie during the Summer of 2017. Kaleen was a single young woman who had recently relocated to Stone City for a new job opportunity. 

Kaleen had suffered great familial losses and celebrated a streak of failed relationships. Although she excelled in her career as a Registered Nurse, nothing else seem to add up or land in her favor. She developed a knack for relocating following each loss, and 2017 would be no different. Upon recovering from bodily injury, Kaleen sold her things, packed her bags and headed South. She sincerely hoped a travel assignment would be the beginning of an exciting and new life journey.

Within a month of residing and working within the culturally diverse town of Stone City, Kaleen quickly realized that not only was she perceived as a threat to the former inhabitants of the Canal area, but she had also become their prey.

Keep your finger on the trigger and grow eyes in the back of your head because the Stone City Stalkers would rather have you gone or dead!

“If you want good Bar-b-que, go to Kansas City; if you want young girls, go to Stone City, OK!”
Said Any Truck Driver, U.S.A.
(click on link below)

Excerpt from Chapter 9: Trail of Tears…

Two days later…

“And again, Thank God It’s Friday”! Kaleen proclaimed as she walked into Louie’s Grill and Bar in Yukon, that evening. Jodi and Denise were already seated in a back corner of the bar. It was their first outing since Kaleen moved into the Lyon’s guesthouse and they were all eager to catch up on their “Girl Talk”.

“It has been a long stressful week and I feel like I’ve worked Tre’ jobs Mon, covering for Jackie! Kaleen said with a Jamaican accent.

She longed for some relaxing, yet candid conversations with her traveling companions. Not that she didn’t appreciate her friendship with Jackie and Edmond. But Jackie was a permanent employee and thus Kaleen felt she had to filter her conversations so as not to become too familiar with the “Client”, so to speak.

“You’re looking pretty good these days, Miss ADON”! Jodi exclaimed.

“Yes, she does! Living out on the ranch seems to agree with you Girl”! Denise chimed.

“Why thank you both very much. I’ll have whatever they are drinking”! Kaleen said to the waitress, as she sat down and joined her travel buddies. Both Denise and Jodi were already on the second drink (as was the usual order of things).

“Damn! It’s 11:00 already? My how time flies when you are having a blast”! Denise shouted with a drunken slur.

“Hell, I feel like we just got started and I for one am not ready to go back to the hotel yet”! Jodi exclaimed.

“Well from the looks of it, neither of you are fit to make that 45-minute drive back to your hotel either. So, why don’t you just spend the night with me in the guesthouse? I’m sure Jackie wouldn’t mind and plus they are still in Indianapolis. The guesthouse has a sofa bed and my bed is a king; so, whoever is the least drunk can sleep with me. Kaleen stated, realizing they were the last patrons remaining in the bar. Let’s get out of here before they put us out”!

As the three women exited the building and headed toward the parking lot, a black car with dark tinted windows abruptly pulled out in front of them. A black van pulled up behind them. Several disguised men jumped out of the car and grabbed the ladies while injecting them in the neck. By the time the men got them all inside the van and bound their arms and legs, the women were unconscious.

The van quickly drove off the lot and headed for the highway. It was being driven by none other than David, the ticket scalper, and his wingman, Blake was riding shotgun. The homeless man (with a shirt on this time) and Jasper Hays-Goodman, both armed, accompanied the women in the back of the van.

After several hours on the road, Kaleen began to awaken. Her hands were bound tight behind her back and her legs were bound at the ankles. She noticed the van was still moving at a high speed and it appeared the back windows had been painted black, impeding any chance of an exterior view.

Within minutes of awakening, Kaleen regained full vision and the ability to focus in on the faces of her assailants. She instantly recognized them, and tears began streaming down her cheeks. “Where are you taking us”? She screamed, before being abruptly slapped in the face by Jasper.

Afterwards, both men looked over at Jodie and Denise to see if the scream woke them up; then they turned to Kaleen, but neither of the men responded to her.

Kaleen realized her suspicions were dead on the money. She was being followed. She was their prey. And now, they also had Jodi and Denise.

But how did they find me? They must have followed Jodi and Denise. That’s it! They probably figured eventually the two of them would lead them to me. I should have listened to Kalvin and jetted out of this God forsaken place without ever looking back!” Kaleen thought.

Kaleen’s tears increased and formed a steady stream, evolving into a rapid river running down her face and then pooled in her lap.

When the doors opened, Kaleen could not believe her eyes, when she saw…

“B…! She screamed, just as Jasper hit her in the back of the head. Kaleen fell into the homeless man’s awaiting arms. Jodi and Denise could no longer hide their fear and began to plead with their captors.

“Please don’t hurt us”! Jodi screamed as she and Denise were pulled from the van and dragged into the basement of an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere.  While Kaleen was placed in the back seat of a car driven by the man she recognized before being knocked out.

Kaleen regained consciousness just as the car pulled into a motel parking lot. The man got out of the car and reached a hand into the back seat to assist Kaleen. Though still a bit foggy, she grabbed his hand and clearly saw the face of her first love. Brian Shackleford.

“Brian? I don’t understand. What’s going on? Have you been following me”? Kaleen asked, looking down at her other hand perplexed. Kaleen touched the back of her head to discover the origin of the blood on her hand. Just as she was about to scream, Brian kissed her deeply. Kaleen bit his tongue. He slapped her and quickly pushed her into the motel room. Upon entering the room, Brian commanded Kaleen to take off her clothes and get into the bed.

“Are you kidding me? You went through all this trouble just to have sex with me? Kaleen remarked.

“Of course not, don’t flatter yourself Bitch! This is about business. Now do what the fuck I told you to do and don’t ask me anymore questions. You will speak when told to speak from this point forward. Understood!” Brian commanded.

Kaleen took off her clothes and lay in the bed, naked, on her back.

“Turn over on your stomach”. Brian instructed.

Kaleen did as she was told, and Brian proceeded to tie her arms to the bed. He covered her eyes with a dark scarf tide tight around her head and another over her mouth. Kaleen began to cry with fear as she felt Brian open her legs and tied them separately to the sides of the bedrail. She heard the door open, followed by the voices of at least two additional men. Kaleen could not make out what they were whispering as someone had turned on the radio and now Blues music filled the room. Just as the radio announcer called out the station identification “You are listening to MRBM, Memphis R&B Music”; Kaleen felt the pressure and pain of a penis being inserted into her rectum. Her attempts to scream failed.

“Eye That Follows Me: The Stone City Stalkers”, inspired by actual events is dedicated to all the victims and survivors of Human Trafficking; children and adults, male and female, sexual and labor slavery, from every race, country, and walk of life.

No one human has the right to enslave another for financial gain, beyond what is customarily, “contractually”, and mutually agreeable by all parties. Ensuring that all parties have achieved an understanding, overstanding, and innerstanding of the agreement set forth.

I use the word contractually with hesitancy as most of societal agreements are written and intended to be a “CON” for a specified period. Thus, we are ALL bound under some form of unwilful contract within the systems of government, law, land, and sea. However, I digress and must save this issue for another time…

As in my first published work, this book is written to give voice to the victim, to shine light on yet another growing ill in our world, and to elevate awareness by educating to prevent this inhumane act of victimization.  
#WakeUp! #StayWoke! #Elevate!

Until Next Time

Balance, Wholeness, Love & Vibrations!

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Click the Edit Button

Click the Edit Button

You just posted a selfie on Instagram, but your skin looks a bit washed out, perhaps you would look more attractive if the lighting was adjusted; Just click the edit button.

You just posted a statement on Facebook and received notification of your first "Like" and "Comment"; but then you noticed a misspelled a word; no problem, just click the edit button. 

You created a flyer and uploaded to your LinkedIn page. Upon reviewing the post, you noticed the flyer did not include the address for the event you are promoting; no problem, just delete the post, update the flyer and re-post. 


Your life seems to be going exactly as you’ve planned; right?

The kids are grown and gone. You’re either still married, widowed, divorced or single and never married; but you have no complaints, right?

You are working in the field you envisioned yourself in back when you were nine or maybe it was when you were in junior high or high school, right?

You are generating the salary you desire, to live the life you had in mind after high school or college, right?

You own the business you started years ago and are turning a profit after five or ten years, right?

You are living in the dream home you built when the kids were young or after you got that first good job, right?

You are doing what you love and loving what you are doing, right?

You are making time to exercise, relax and vacation when it is necessary, right?

You have a strong spiritual mindset and have a great circle of like-minded friends, right?

The five people you spend most of your time with are more successful and experienced than you, right?

You are reaching back, teaching one, lifting one, helping one, and  encouraging one, right?

You will retire early, own your home and have very little debt, right?

You can relocate to a warmer climate to live your latter days in the sun, right?

Okay, now that I have you thinking...

If you were unable to agree or respond with a resounding "YES” to any of the above statements, it's okay; because just like with many of the social media sites which feature the EDIT button, you too can click the EDIT button to re-assess, revise, revamp and rewrite your life. It is NEVER too late to make changes when you've made a conscious decision to change your mindset. 

It is true that if you can see it, you can have it. The question is are you ready to do what it takes to manifest your "Best Life"?   


Then, you must first assess the condition of your current life. Skip attempting to rationalize why it is what it is, just recognize that it no longer works for you and why.

Then begin to think about exactly what you are missing in your life. Ask the important questions:

·        How must I adjust my thinking?

·        When do I need to make changes?

·        What is my target or goal date?

·        How much will it cost?

·        How much time will it take?

·        Will it hurt anyone?

·        Is it honestly something I desire?

·        Am I willing to do whatever it takes (within reason)?

·        Am I willing to make the sacrifice?

·        What will my life look like when I achieve my objective?

Now, forget about all those questions except the very last one…


Right now, I want you to focus on the above question. Place yourself in the moment when you are living the manifestation of the life you have desired and ultimately created. 

How does that feel?

Are you happy?

Are you smiling?

Are you alone or with family and friends?

Are you celebrating?

Are you enjoying a toast of your achievement?

How does that feel?

Do you see yourself in the moment?

What is your location (new home, beach vacation, favorite destination, yacht, or maybe in the front seat of your new car)?

What are you wearing (nothing, a new outfit, swimsuit or maybe a wedding gown)?

What do you have on your feet (nothing, red bottoms, boots, sandals, Stacy’s)?

Are you comfortable?

Does it feel the way you expected?

Now, stop reading and take five minutes (more if needed) to experience that feeling of achievement. 

Okay, now that you’ve experienced what it feels like to be in the moment of your achievement; write it down. In fact, purchase or create an attractive journal (a notebook or binder with loose-leaf paper will do) to document the achievement and how it feels basking in its’ manifestation. Next, decide what ONE ACTION is required today to move you closer to your future goal. Then, tomorrow morning, feel the achievement again and decide on one task to complete for that day. Repeat this process daily; preferably in the morning before you start your routine. Often, the first task completed dictates the next consecutive tasks.  

Refrain from getting caught up on the HOW and the WHEN of your manifestation (this is where personal spirituality is effective). Whether you believe in or accept the presence of a higher power (within the Universe) or you just have faith in your own potential; you must trust in the power of “IT “to manage the how and the when of your manifestation. 

Basically, you set the intention by carrying out each consecutive task. During that time, you will begin to attract the components required to facilitate your manifestation (don’t question the process but do trust the process). We all possess electromagnetic energy and the energy when fully engaged and active will connect with similar and like energies to produce the desired outcome. Trust me, when you see it, you will believe and accept it! 

If you are not used to being on the receiving end of generosity, assistance, prosperity and abundance; you MUST get used to it and quickly. Synchronicity is the process of “opportunity meeting preparedness”. As you complete your daily tasks toward your goal, multiple opportunities will miraculous appear to ensure your progression along the trajectory towards your goal. 

So, keep your eyes and ears open, opportunity usually manifests when you least expect it and in the most precarious forms. 

It may present itself through a friend, an enemy, a call, a letter or email, a post, a commercial, a movie or even during a sporting event or news broadcast. The most important aspect of this process is that you ALWAYS ready to ACT when the opportunity presents itself!

Additionally, write this poem in your journal, post on the mirror and refrigerator, in your car and on your desk or in your workspace:
Don’t Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turn about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow –
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out –
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit –
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
~John Greenleaf Whittier

Finally, Dear hearts, if you find this information to be too daunting or otherwise impossible, perhaps Dr. Leon F. Seltzer will help you to identify some the issues which prevent you from achieving your BEST LIFE. In his blog post “End Procrastination for Good: How to Revise your Life Script, he asks eight key questions which will assist you in putting an end to “putting things off” (click on link below).

I have also included links to TEDTalk videos which I found helpful during my own LIFE EDITING PROCESS; I am hoping you will

Until next time, 

Balance, Wholeness, Love & Vibrations!

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CoronaVirus or Radiation?

So, are you enjoying your Memorial Day Weekend? Well, I woke up to beautiful beaming rays of sunshine, jumped up, and opened all the ...