Thursday, December 27, 2018

Cosmic Egg?

Incoming Download 12/25/2018 – The Mandela Effect and CERN’s Hadron Collider both point to the cosmic egg version of earth, which resembles a mandala. Whether they use the collider as an underground rocket propelling through earth, ice, and water or a skyrocket propelling through earth-like radiated sub-atomic particles (Van Allen Belt) and the at-mos-phere (water at high frequencies). Now, mind you the Van Allen Belt is comprised of protonic inner belt and an electronic outer belt. Now, I am thinking perhaps a neutron or neutrally charged particle could safely pass through the belt? It should not take a “Rocket Scientist” to figure this one out! Hell, even Blues Clues could get this right?
Consider the similarities in the images below: 

Mandala is a symbolic magic circle used by Buddhists in meditation from the Sanskrit mandala “disc or  circle”. In Jungian psychology as a symbol of unity of the self and completeness. (as opposed to Mandela/Mandella – a Native American ceremonial shield). 

A rainbow is the diffraction of sunlight through water droplets in the air. To see a rainbow, you need to be looking at light rain with the sun behind you. The rainbow is curved as it reflects the round shape of the sun. It is a semicircle because only half of your field of vision is the air (the other half is the Earth). If you are in an aeroplane with the sun directly overhead and you look down into a raincloud, you will see the rainbow is a full circle, again reflecting the fact the sun is round. John Frith, Paddington (I call Bull Shit! The bow is caused from the bow of the dome of the firmament see below).

 Nut (goddess) ... Nut (Ancient Egyptian: Nwt), also known by various other transcriptions, is the goddess of the sky in the Ennead of ancient Egyptian religion. She was seen as a star-covered nude woman arching over the earth, or as a cow. 

prism (n.) or PYRAMIDS?
1560s, in geometry, "a solid whose bases or ends are any similar, equal, and parallel plane polygons, and whose sides are parallelograms," from Late Latin prisma, from Greek prisma "a geometrical prism, trilateral column," (Euclid), literally "something sawed (as a block of wood), sawdust," from prizein, priein "to saw" (related to prion "a saw"), which is of uncertain origin. Euclid chose the word, apparently, on the image of a column with the sides sawn off.

Those “missing” capstones were most likely made of gold to reflect the sunlight for energy….
The optic chiasm is an X-shaped (pyramid atop an inverted pyramid) structure formed by the crossing of the optic nerves in the brain. The optic nerve connects the brain to the eye.
To biologists, the optic chiasm is thought to be a turning point in evolution. It is thought that the crossing and uncrossing optic nerve fibers that travel through the optic chiasm developed in such a way to aid in binocular vision and eye-hand coordination.

I have practiced as a registered nurse for 20 plus years and a religious studies guru since the age of five. What I’ve learned….
There are no coincidences, only synchronicities~!
Wake Up and Remember, when you hear/see new information seek first to comprehend, followed by

To Be Continued…



CeleXy is the Creator and Author of the 
Heaven's Mind Book Series
Transformational Literature by CeleXy

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For More Information About The Cosmic Egg Theory, click on the link below:

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