Friday, August 31, 2018


Wife, Mistress, and A Side-Chick?
Considered controversial though not unique, an underground tale about a couple’s mystique; enables this Author to tap into uncharted territory, 
to tell the other woman’s story. 
If you thought Stepper Love or Good Samaritan were a bit risqué, prepare for a 
transformational ride through Heaven’s Doorway!

Excerpt from Chapter 2: "Can't Get Enuff"

After dinner, the ladies continued enjoying desert and conversation while lounging on the balcony.

“So, Z, Sheena traveled all the way here hoping to acquire a position as an Administrative Assistant but has not received any good prospects. I was hoping you could ask around at VAH or maybe there is someone you know elsewhere that has a need for an attractive Admin Assistant. She really is a triple threat!

“Actually, I know of at least two positions for which Sheena would be the perfect and ideal candidate. Zenoviah stated with a devilish smile. And I know my husband Malachi will be pleasantly surprised”.
“Malachi? Z what brand of SHEnanigans do you have up your sleeves? Shelby inquired.

“Well, Shelby you know all too well that Malachi has been spending a lot of time traveling and missing out on “Z’s Good Lovin’, right? Right! And, he must close this Japanese deal to obtain his partnership with the company. Well anyway, Malachi’s assistant is out on maternity leave and he is in desperate need of a qualified administrative assistant to begin work immediately in preparation for the trip and accompany him on the trip. Soooooo, based upon my most recent experience… Miss Sheena DaVine is just what Doctor Zenoviah prescribes”! Zenoviah exclaimed.

“Okay, so wait a minute. I get that you want me to apply for the AA position for your husband, but what is the other position and with who? Sheena asked, with a bewildered expression.

“Now, Sheena, I know you of all people know how to read between the lines. What my SweetZ is saying, is that she wants you to serve as both Malachi’s administrative and personal assistant”! Shelby exclaimed sarcastically.

“Oooooooh”! Sheena responded in unison with Zenoviah’s, “Yeeeeeees”!

The room was filled with an eruption of hysterical laughter as Sheena said, “Zenoviah your last name really should be SHEnanigans instead of Shepherd! Girl you are a mess. But for real though, are you actually giving me permission to provide your husband with personal pleasure?

“In fact, Sheena, I insist! You see, both Malachi and I have discovered the secret of our individual and mutual success. That secret is an active, unrestricted, and suspense-filled sex life. However, he does not know about Shelby and me, and I don’t want him to know; at least not yet. You will also have to conceal your knowledge of me until further notice. I want Chi to feel as though he is sneaking or even cheating on me, which will enhance his libido.  I am confident the interaction with you will fuel his fire, increase his zest for success and he’ll continue to please me in a way that will justify the rest. So, tell me, SexyAzzSheena, will you do it? Oh, and did I mention, the second position is also handsomely compensated, bonuses even?” Zenoviah stated, with a self-assured wink and a smile.

“Oh Baby, say no more. I am sold”! Sheena responded, as she leaned in and utilized her double-studded tongue to part the unsuspecting lips of Z’s mouth, then proceeded to kiss her with a passionate intensity which garnered Shelby’s response.

“Hey, hey, hey! Alright now Sheena, you got your orders, now step off! Shelby laughed, as she pulled Z away from Sheena’s enveloping lip-lock.

Until next time...
- CeleXy🦋🦋🦋

Discover all of the SHEnanigans going on
in SHEffield, Virginia; 
beyond the walls of the SHEpherd home, 
in the newest release from the 
Heaven's Mind Book Series! 


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Sunday, August 19, 2018


the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically

IAM laying here thinking about this transformational literature concept. And my mind is blown as I witness my own transformation within & throughout the pages of each book; from writing style, to content & subject matter. It seems as if IAM being taught from the inside out which leaves absolutely NO ROOM 4 INDOCTRINATION!

You see America tells us thru schools, university & colleges that ALL things MUST be done a certain way, in a certain order, & reflect a certain style.

Well consider me your 21st Century REBEL WITH A CAUSE! Because I've remembered, that the TRU teachings comes from within.

Even most religions teach the power of the Creator is within, so why continue searching for it outside of yourself? Your power is for you, my power is for me, yet the Power is derived from ONE TRU & DIVINE SOURCE.

Therefore, the way in which we CONNECT is internally not externally. And, it's internally that we discover there is no separation, no division, & no prejudice. When we open up to allow that which is deep within to manifest - beautiful abstract, borderless, & limitless teachings, writing, art, music & design emerge; without the adulterated influence of a corrupt system focused more on the material wealth a gift generates than it's intrinsic esoteric value!

Wake Up!
Don't BE-A-LIE (believe). 
Choose the Version of Life you envision from the teleprompter of your 3rd eye, your mind’s eye, your spiritual eye, CREATORS EYE!

Until next time...
- CeleXy🦋🦋🦋

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For your additional Reading Pleasure,
Check out other inspiring books from this Author from

the Heaven's Mind Book Series by clicking the link below!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

LOVE denied DESIRE...

DESIRE arose with a burning fire to be extinguished by the "Object of Her Affection". 

But LOVE was nowhere to be found. 

DESIRE searched with intensity; first her home, then school, her job and her church, as well as within every other affiliation she managed to create. 

Yet LOVE was nowhere to be found.

DESIRE frequently reflected on the one encounter she experienced with LOVE years ago. 

And every time she allowed her mind to wander off into the not so distant past, she managed to bring LOVE right back to the present unabashed. 

It was as if, it were only yesterday when DESIRE met LOVE and was instantly led astray

LOVE was a fine specimen of a BEing

Not too tall or too short; not too dark or too light; but perfectly "Toned and Vibrating"  just right.

LOVE was bold and fierce with glaring eyes, which pierced...

DESIRE'S imagination, her heart, and her soul

LOVE pulled her in to it's glory and DESIRE lost all self-control

LOVE was intelligent and lit up the night 
With a mind in full bloom, such a radiant sight! 

The night they met, they communed well into the wee morning hours; sharing their thoughts, experiences, fantasies and untapped powers

Yes! LOVE was everything DESIRE had imagined it to be;
She attempted to hold tight and possess it completely

But LOVE was not meant to be possessed and controlled;
LOVE was a free spirit, a vessel of life, and lives untold

Moving in and out of space and time
Enabling past, present and future's rewind

LOVE was not an object to be tamed and taunted,
LOVE was transparent, desired, and wanted

LOVE enabled DESIRE to travel wild and free
Discovering new land and territories, cosmic-astrally

When LOVE entered DESIRE and penetrated the Yoni
DESIRE mistook the experience as earth's matrimony

Instead, it was the breaking of the Yolk, a life concealed
The illuminated vision of Heaven's revealed

So, DESIRE longed to have this experience over and over again

Not realizing only once would LOVE abolish huemanity's "sin"

The sin of man's imagination; a blasphemous abomination of LOVE'S creation

LOVE came only to share with DESIRE

The incomprehensible manifestation of RECREATIONAL FIRE!

And so, it was that LOVE continued it's infinite journey 

Denying DESIRE and leaving her forever yearning 

For an unattainable LOVE, accused of escape 

Somehow forgetting the INFINITE LOVE within, disguised as hate.

The purpose of LOVE'S  denial of DESIRE?

DESIRE would soon be consumed to recreate a LOVE from the embers of her OWN burning FIRE !!!



CeleXy is the Creator and Author of the Heaven's Mind Book Series. 

We would appreciate and delight in you sharing your thoughts, experiences, and desires about Love, Life, and pursuits to elevate HIGHER!

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