Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A Time To…

“There is a time and a season for everything under the sun”.

That statement could not ring anymore truer than it does right NOW, at my 50th year on this material plane.

I am sitting in the lobby of my short-term stay accommodations, because I have grown bored with looking at the four walls my one-bedroom suite. I seem to have more time NOW than I have ever had, as well as, the time to do all the things I have always wanted to do. I have listed some of the “important” things I want to do.

1.      Learn how to be comfortable alone…

2.      Learn how to be the apple of my eye…

3.      Learn to love ALL of me…

4.      Explore my thoughts and feelings…

5.      Expose toxic thinking by writing it down, speaking aloud, confronting it, eliminating it, then forgiving myself…

6.      Slowly chew my food and enjoying each delicious bite…

7.      Stretch every morning; but naked if I so choose…

8.      Only shop for one…

9.      Only cook for one…

10.  Spend my abundance on me…

11.  Learn ALL I can about why Iam here, how Iam here, and when do I leave…

12.  Write as many books as I desire to…

13.  Get dressed up for no reason or don’t get dressed…

14.  Sleep in sweats…

15.  Wear make-up or not…

16.  Stay in my room on the weekends…

17.  Walk along the canal everyday (only when its warm enough and the sun is shining) …

18.  Consider doing things I have never done before like – bungie-jump, sky-dive, or jet ski…

19.  Plan my dream vacations to Italy and Hawaii…

20.  Relocate my residence to a state with a year-round warmer climate…

Now, you know that is probably about 1/5 of all the things I have time to do. But, again these are 20 of the important things, right?

What about everything else we take for granted or don’t even recognize the need?

a.       Smell the roses

b.      Sun gaze

c.       Plant a garden

d.      Play in the rain

e.       Play on the playground/park

f.        Draw pictures with crayons or paint

g.      Play hopscotch, jacks, or marbles alone

h.      Sing in the shower

i.        Speak to strangers

j.        Smile for no reason

k.      Take a deep cleansing breath

l.        Pay for someone else’s meal

m.    Donate your time to the boys and girls club

n.      Become a mentor

o.      Belly dance or Pole dancing lessons

p.      Meet and make new friends

q.      Enjoy a movie alone

r.        Visit someone else’s grandparents in the nursing home or hospital

s.       Stop by the nursery at the Children’s hospital

t.        Help-out a homeless shelter

u.      Donate to a cause

v.      Share your gift, talent, or knowledge freely

w.    Sit by a fire or make your own

x.      Go hiking

y.      Ride a bike

z.       Behold the beauty of creation as if it is your last time

Now, Iam wondering…

Have I written these things for me or for you?


Iam always successful with working out my issues, when I feel as though Iam helping someone else. Knowledge, experience, skill, talent, and gifts are just as much for you as it is for others. However, it is only with sharing that I reap the true and purest benefits of my efforts.

This is a short blogpost, not because I have nothing more to say or write, but because Iam now inspired to return to my one-bedroom suite, to reminiscence on the day’s events, plan to have a better tomorrow, and give my body, mind, and soul the amount of rest and relaxation it requires to be the best ME possible.

For, it is in the stillness of the night and in the wee-early morning light that my higher-self, my goddess, and my over-soul lift me into the outer limits of this existence, astral traveling (if you will); floating with the rhythmic vibrations and frequencies of the Multi-verses. I always ask to stay, but they always respond, “not this time”.

I know one day, their answer will be “Yes”; and, it will be because I have utilized “Time” wisely. It will also be because I have learned all there is to Gno in this Universe; and, I will receive my 33rd Masters’ Degree, a one-way ticket into Infiniti!


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